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Writer's picturenikhar lakhani

In touch with youth during COVID

Updated: Jul 20, 2021

We at Neytrutva do not wish to slow down. Especially not during the times of COVID. Now more than ever, we believe that it is important to connect with the youth and make them aware of the serious problems in our society. We believe that if children make mistakes they can be corrected and rehabilitated but in the case of adults, it is hard to do so. As adults are supposed to be responsible and their actions have consequences.

We understand the importance of pro-actively trying to bring a change toward important things. So as a part of our mission, we at Neytrutva took an initiative to connect with the youth, not physically, respecting the social-distance guidelines but we hope to spread our message specifically now because the pandemic has strengthened the cause of our NGO.

On Sunday the 11th of July we conducted a webinar for children of age 8-14 years. We hoped to connect to these kids and try and inculcate better traffic etiquette, the need to keep our roads clean via an anti-spitting campaign, and ensure the safety of ourselves and our loved ones through an anti-road rage campaign.

We wanted to include the children so instead of just going up and lecturing them about what is right or wrong we played games and conducted activities so that the kids feel included and stay active while they learn something meaningful. We also wanted the children to feel an aspect of responsibility and hold themselves accountable so before we ended we encouraged the children to take a pledge to be responsible citizens and to keep the surroundings clean and spread awareness about the same.

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