According to a report by the Who, COVID 19 can spread through aerosol transmission. When a person sneezes or coughs, microscopic droplets are spread into the area around the person. These droplets become the carrier of bacteria and viruses. Any individual that comes in contact with these droplets is prone to get infected. Spitting is not very different from sneezing or coughing. In Fact, it is worse as an individual does not cover his face while spitting. Now, spitting too releases droplets containing bacteria into the air. These droplets remain suspended in the air or they land on a surface and the bacteria in these droplets can remain active for well over 24 hours. (Mukherjee, 2020)
In a country like India where the no. of people who consume tobacco or have a habit of spitting in public is significantly high, the threat of spreading COVID 19 is also high. People in India still continue to spit in public, despite all the hazards, because we, Indians, have accepted spitting in public as a regular and non-offensive action. If we continue supporting this mentality then we may end up in a never-ending pandemic.
We all need to take action now. Spitting is unsanitary and hazardous. It needs to stop now. We all need to work together to eradicate this issue. Spitting has now been declared as an offense under municipal laws in multiple cities (PTI, 2020). Yet people continue spitting and others hardly take this issue seriously. Stop the people who spit in public, It is harmful and toxic. Help in spreading awareness about spitting in public. Join our Anti-Spitting Campaign and do your part for society.
Mukherjee, J. (2020, May 20). Impulsive or Vindictive? Why Indians Can't Stop Spitting Even in the Times of Coronavirus. News 18. Retrieved July 5, 2021, from https://www.news18.com/news/buzz/impulsive-or-vindictive-the-reason-why-indians-cant-stop-spitting-even-in-the-times-of-coronavirus-2624999.html
PTI. (2020, April 15). Spitting in public now an offense under Disaster Management Act: MHA. Economic Times. Retrieved July 5, 2021, from https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/politics-and-nation/spitting-in-public-now-an-offence-under-disaster-management-act-mha/articleshow/75161291.cms?from=mdr